Sunday, April 14, 2013

30 Pounds in 60 Days

I posted here about not stressing about this wedding...about not taking this too seriously...about not wanting this to be a performance... about wanting this to be a celebration of our love and not some big show.

Fiancé moved to Memphis with me in October.  Meaning no more me working out after work, hardly eating at all (I am naturally the lightest eater ever, added in with living alone= I hardly ever at at all... I was at one of my lowest weights...lucky me!).... Him moving in meant regular grocery shopping, cooking nightly meals, date nights at restaurants all the time... In addition to me having spent the summer living at home with him and my momma's cooking all summer... I have put on 30 pounds since last spring.  My word, holy smokes, no bueno!

One of my good friends is an exercise buff and he is going to help me try and get back in shape so I feel my absolute best for this wedding.  Not for anyone else, but for me.  I want to look back on these pictures and know that I felt beautiful, that I was the bride I wanted to be, that I truly felt like Chris' princess.

He has created an entire meal and fitness plan for me for the next eight weeks leading up to my wedding (eight weeks! AH!  I cannot wait to be Mrs. R!  SO EXCITING!!!)  It is going to be intense, twice a day workouts.  But state tests for my kids are next week, and then my school year completely winds down.  My fiancé works on weekends now, and I am excited for the challenge.

Here's the workout if anyone is interested- it's intense but should be a great challenge!!!


  1. I feel like I should totally borrow this...

  2. wow! This looks tough girl! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Cant wait to hear about your experience :)
